Does the acorn really fall far from the tree when it
drops? How often do we reflect on that thought in our genealogy? All of those
years ago when I started to work my genealogy I did some of the things that all
of the people have said to do in the beginning.
ü work
with yourself and then backwards
ü interview
your family members
My semi-timeline might begin on the day I was born and
the musical area of my life no doubt began with my first vocal cry. At the age
of seven my parents purchased an organ that they (Santa) gave me for Christmas.
The onset of lessons began soon after the holiday and continued into my young adult
years. In between we added an extensive vocal period. A highly disciplined
madrigal group and a much rewarding Lutheran folk service group complete with
guitars. Such was life in the 70's. No I don't play much anymore but I do sing
whenever I can.
Questions to Molly (1st cousin one time removed) began
soon after I started this never ending path to connect with my ancestors. Molly
is my grandfather's niece. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will
open, ask and it shall be given. What can you tell me about our family I soon
asked. Among so many different tales she shared, the one that reminded me that
this acorn didn't roll to far from the root of the tree was when I read in one
of her first letters to me about my 3rd great grandfather, "Christian
SPRECKELSEN, a musician who played at Weddings, Funerals etc…". How
awesome is that? The musician of the town in the "old country". I
don't know of any musicians in between him and I. Funny how life talents can
skip some generations. Now if that wasn't enough of a twist of fate where does
this next one sit on the tree?
I found a local FamilyHistory Library (FHL) and had early on in my research decided to spend my days
off from my ten to six job there, sitting in front of one of those massive
machines, dubbed microfilm reader. You see back then there was very little on
the internet, let alone software programs. If you wanted to see a census record
you had to actually get dressed, drive on down to the stake
(or any other facility that held the record), thread it on the machine, wind
and wind till you found your family and then hand write all of the information
down on good old fashioned paper. Well on one of the blessed days on the hunt
for my 2nd great grandfather, Jacob KIEFFER, there I sat. I only knew his name because
it was written in my baby book but not too much more. I did know that they were
someplace in massive New York City. Finally after hours of spinning, there at
the end of my session was Jacob in the 1850 New York census.
1850 New York State Census* |
He had a
wife and 2 daughters and his occupation was stated as a "Turner".
Fast forward and we have another one of those acorn rolling moments. Ask me
what my husband does for a living? Well he is a woodturner of all things. (You
can read all about his work in the other blog I write, The WoodArt Studio). Furthermore
what did he do before he transitioned to woodturning? He was a musical
instrument technician. Yes there is that music connection happening again.
So some
might call these coincidences in life where as I have dubbed them genealogical
appointments. It is times like these that drive me to research more. To have
more new day appointments with my family passed. With that in mind for today I
thank you for joining me in yet another of my numerous genealogical
Source Citation "United States Census,
1850," index and images, FamilySearch
( : accessed 9 May 2012), Jacob
Keifer in household of Jacob Keifer, New York City, ward 8, New York, New York,
United States.